I got a 7K pay increase and 4 weeks vacation!

I got a 7K pay increase and 4 weeks vacation!

Hi Lisa. Happy new year! I wanted to let you know on December 9 I started a job with Bank of XXXX Financial. I even got a 7K pay increase and 4 weeks vacation! As you may recall my main concern was preserving my income and I felt I might best do that by sticking to...
I was stuck

I was stuck

I was stuck. That’s the best way to describe it. My chosen industry (newspapers) was slowly dying and very few companies anywhere were hiring.I had stayed in my comfortable job for far too long. I was no longer passionate about what I was doing, and it showed. The...
Something had to change

Something had to change

When I started working with Lisa some 8 months ago I knew there were things in my life I needed to change. I was very unhappy with where I was in terms of my career. Upon awaking up each morning my first thoughts were about how depressing the day was going to be. I...
Landed the job of my dreams

Landed the job of my dreams

I came to Lisa unsure about the next step for my career. I had completed quite a bit of education but I felt I was at a dead end on how I could utilize my schooling. Lisa helped me realize how valuable my education and skills were. She helped me identify which types...
Her deep listening

Her deep listening

Lisa has helped me take an idea that I have dreamed about for years—improve education back home in Ghana–and bring it into the realm of reality . . .Her deep listening and reflective conversation allowed me to articulate my goal… Lisa is a provocateur. She provokes...