Busy, amazing and happy to be making progress. Just about to get the keys to a 111 year old farmhouse house. 600 square foot space over the garage. Writing studio! My book is being birthed slowly, and the water will break soon. I am living my mission statement daily. Kudos to your guidance, to me, to trusting the process. I do at least one thing each day towards my goals, and still tell at least one person a day I’m a writer. Joy. oh, and I’ve lost 28 lbs eating real food. Ha, who knew! The house I’m in will now be an investment property managed by a company, rather than me. Yay. Just so you know, this old farmhouse house; I have fancied for 18 years. Dreams do come true. Of all the people I’ve met, I know you believe this. Thanks Ms. Lisa. I am delighted your coaching ‘took’ to my soul purpose. Hugs