When I met Lisa, I was starting a job search and considering alternative career paths and possibilities for self-employment. I have always been a planner, but I usually focused on what seemed practical and realistic.Lisa encouraged me to dream big and reach beyond self-imposed limitations to envision my ideal work. In three months, she helped me to create a clear life mission statement and a planning system that has increased my focus and effectiveness.Lisa is very supportive, open to people of all backgrounds, generous, compassionate, motivating, and fun! I am very grateful for our time working together.
July 06 update call from the airport: I just accepted a great new job and negotiated a salary that is nearly double the income that I was making before. I start next month after I get back from my month-long yoga teacher training. Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement. Jan 07 update: I have to pass along this great news! I have accepted a new position with a substantially higher salary, and I will have the opportunity for another increase in 6 months. This is much closer to my dream job! We’re getting closer to our dream of buying a house! Yippee June 07 update: We just closed on our beautiful home!
August 08: I am very excited to report more dreams fulfilled. I am now teaching at an established yoga studio with a wonderful group of teachers, volunteering with an incredible yoga outreach organization, and starting an even better full-time position in my exact passions. I waited two years for the position to open, and I was offered the job immediately after my interview! My partner and I love our house and the community where we live – life truly has never been better.