When I started coaching with Lisa, I was absolutely fed up with my job. I hated going to work each day. I felt out of control, and like my life was slipping out from under me. I knew what kind of life I wanted to have, but I had no idea how to get there. I felt trapped and overwhelmed.Lisa helped me create a mission and vision for the life I want to live. She helped me create a strategic plan with goals broken down into small manageable steps and helped me stay on task. Lisa gave me the tools I needed to clarify what I wanted out of life. By helping me organize my goals into concrete action steps, Lisa showed me that my dreams can become reality, one small step at a time.During my coaching time with Lisa, I experienced many positive changes. I gained the confidence to address the issues I was having at work. I moved into new, less stressful position within my company that allows me to utilize my creative talents. I am also focused and productive in my free time, and working toward my goals. I do not believe I would have been able to make these changes this quickly, if it weren’t for Lisa’s coaching. I am excited about what my future will bring, and I know now that I can make it happen.