Tired of looking for work? |
Frustrated with not getting any response to your resume?
Don’t really have a job search plan? |
Confused about how to make LinkedIn work for you ? |
Freeze up on some interview questions? |
Not getting any job offers? |
Then join this job seeker’s success group and start seeing results!
Job Search In The 21st Century |
Job search has changed dramatically in the last several years. Economic conditions have created job shortages yet job seekers continue to look for work using methods suitable for candidate shortages.
Technology has made it possible to apply for multiple positions with just a few clicks of the mouse, flooding employers with hundreds of applicants for each position posted. Job seekers are frustrated with lack of response and employers are overwhelmed with far too many resumes to respond to.
Then you listen to the news and get more discouraged.
Then you start thinking about settling for a lesser position. But no employer will hire you because you are overqualified.
Sitting at home in your PJs looking at job postings on the internet becomes your primary job search method.
Then you become more discouraged. In your head you’re wondering “Why won’t anyone hire me? I’m a good person”
There is a solution!
Move your job search into the 21st century.
Get fresh ideas, inspiration and constructive feedback—with only the most up-to-date information!  Map out and implement your effective job search with intention and awareness! Have the support and accountability to follow through on finding work you love fast!
Get Results Now!
We’ll cover at least:
Investment: $297
#1: Manage Your Career e-book.
#2: one private Create Work You Love session.
#3: Bring a friend & save $50.
#4: Organize a group of 6 or more & come at no cost
When: TBA
For more information: (541) 484-6785 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Lisa Renee Anderson, MA is a Certified Career Development Facilitator, Board Certified Coach, Nationally Certified Counselor, with over 25 years experience helping bright, motivated people create the careers and lives they want.